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Landis Architects | Builders
Landis Architects | Builders
Puntuación media: 4.9 de 5 estrellas43 valoraciones Ver perfil

Family Room Now, Bedroom Later: Versatile Addition for Aging in Place

Greg Hadley Photography Instead of a straight hallway, our designer suggested a more dramatic connection between the addition and original home—one that would allow light the flood through both floors. Though the home had 9-foot ceilings on the lower level, in the stair area the ceiling was only 7-feet. To open up the space, she opted for a step up to a landing across from the original stairs. The landing is open to the lower level. To create this floating landing, our engineer suggested adding a stringer beam that runs from the existing landing to the new landing. The windows in the landing face the north, so we added a skylight to bring in more natural light.
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