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Wine Cellars by Coastal
Wine Cellars by Coastal
Puntuación media: 4.8 de 5 estrellas28 valoraciones Ver perfil

Elegant Wine Cellar Door of the Contemporary Wine Cellar in Irvine

In this contemporary wine cellar project in Irvine, Coastal Custom Wine Cellars installed an elegant wine cellar door. It has an intricate design, which matched the metal wine racks. We illuminated the walls behind the frames to add flair to the wine room. Learn more about the different styles of wine cellar door: https://www.winecellarsbycoastal.com/custom-wine-cellar-doors.aspx Coastal Custom Wine Cellars 8 Waltham Rd. Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 (949) 200-8134 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/WineCellarsByC
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