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Foto de jardín marinero grande en verano en patio trasero con parque infantil

Dover Heights Clifftop

In a unique location on a clifftop overlooking the ocean, an existing pool and rear garden was transformed inline with the ‘Hamptons’ style interiors of the home. The shape of an existing pool was changed to allow for more lawn and usable space. New tiling, rendered walls, planters and salt tolerant planting brought the garden up to date. The existing undercover alfresco area in this Dover Heights family garden was opened up by lowering the tiling level to create internal height and a sense of spaciousness. The colour palette was purposely limited to match the house with white light greys, green plantings and blue in the furnishings and pool. The addition of a built in BBQ with shaker profile cupboards and marble bench top references the interior styling and brings sophistication to the outdoor space. Baby blue pool lounges and wicker furniture add to the ‘Hamptons’ feel. Contemporary planters with Bougainvillea has been used to provide a splash of colour along the roof line for most of the year. In a side courtyard synthetic lawn was added to create a children’s play area, complete with elevated fort, cubby house and climbing wall.

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