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Foto de jardín actual en patio trasero
Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design LLC
Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design LLC
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas15 valoraciones Ver perfil

Davis Square Garden

A structured urban garden nestled in the heart of Davis Square provides usable outdoor spaces for an active, modern family. Tightly crafted wood screens provide privacy from the bustling streetscape and enclose half of the garden. Lichen-covered granite blocks from Maine form a seat height bench along one edge of a richly patterned brick terrace, and an elderly pear tree shades a fantastic outdoor dining room. Native shrubs, ferns, grasses, and other drought tolerant perennials soften edges and create multi-seasonal interest. An herb and vegetable garden along the north side of the property creates a productive and meaningful use of limited space in an otherwise forgotten part of the garden.

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