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Imagen de acceso privado tradicional grande en verano en patio delantero con exposición total al sol y gravilla
James Martin Associates
James Martin Associates
Puntuación media: 4.9 de 5 estrellas54 valoraciones Ver perfil

Curved Gravel Driveway and Landscape

Request Free QuoteThe roses and day-lilies are deadheaded to allow continuous blooms throughout the season. The rose beds are supplemented with a compost amendment giving the plants the need nutritional feeding without having to rely on artificial fertilizers. Since the plant material near the house depends more on texture and shapes than color. The maintenance team has to make sure that this visual hierarchy is preserved by carefully shaping each plant to either distinguish itself or to gracefully flow into one another.

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Deborah Buswell se ha añadido esto a Back yard and Fireplaces 3 de septiembre de 2024

Hedges and plants

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