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Ejemplo de salón cerrado actual de tamaño medio con paredes blancas, suelo de madera clara, estufa de leña, televisor colgado en la pared y suelo beige
Emily’s Interiors
Emily’s Interiors
Puntuación media: 5 de 5 estrellas12 valoraciones Ver perfil

Contemporary Addition

Through a collaboration with a local architect, we created a sleek, modern addition that stayed true to the original style and construction of the house. The clients, a busy family of five, wanted the addition to appear as if it had always belonged while simultaneously improving the flow and function of the home. Along with exterior addition, the kitchen was completely gutted and remodeled. The new kitchen design is a complex, full overlay, wood grain cabinet design that greatly improves storage for the bustling family and now provides them with a new dining room in which to entertain. Photo Credit: Rudy Mayer
Lo que están comentando los Houzzers
Jordyne Wu se ha añadido esto a For Troy From Wupins 22 de septiembre de 2023

Jordyne: like colors grey lavender, blues, wood, blues and greens in the background

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