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Edmund Terrence, LLC ( HP Builders)
Edmund Terrence, LLC ( HP Builders)
Puntuación media: 4.8 de 5 estrellas18 valoraciones Ver perfil

Barn Style Wine Cellar in a Box

Wine Room Design Simple, Affordable, and Outrageously Beautiful You've got the space, you've got the bottles, but you don't have forty-grand laying around in large bills? We don't either. And you don't need to. Our goal is to provide you with a wine cellar kit that contains all you need to build out your wine cellar, wine closet or mount a wine beam. You will be able to store 1000 bottles in an 8 X 10 space, and be able to further trick it out over time, or store 200 bottles in a wine closet. If you simply need to store a case then grab a beam and you'll have room for that and more. We'll get you started with a stunning, unique and timeless space that doesn't look like you're trying to recreate a Tuscan villa. (If you want to create a Tuscan villa style wine cellar we'd be happy to refer you to someone who can do it.) EdmundTerrence is a back-to-basics design house. The beauty is in the wood. The art is in the artist-aged planks. And the satisfaction of raising that room yourself is priceless. Not to mention aHUGE cost-savings. Our wood is sustainably harvested, and we have deep relationships with our suppliers to insure that they are following the harvesting guidelines we require with each order. Each piece of wood is hand-aged by Terry using a variety of techniques. (Never get close to him when he has the chain.) Each plank in the wine cellar kit is marked for easy installation (our instructions are ridiculously accurate!), and we include a branded "cornerstone" style plank to mark your wine room as an EdmundTerrence original. Four walls and a ceiling with beams begins the transformation.The racking system completes the unique look. Whether you choose diamonds, individual racks, wine beams or a combination of styles for your wine room design, the installation will be swift (A wine closet can be completed in one day!), and the bottles will be properly stored. Terry creates new racking systems in his sleep - nothing about your wine cellar will look "off-the-rack". Instead, it will be off-the-hook beautiful. • Available in ‘Rough and Stained’ or ‘Rough, Stained and Aged’ • Reclaimed available upon request • Wine racks made out of beams • Diamond boxes to store lots and lots of bottles • Have an idea for a rack? We can always ask Terry to create a custom wine rack • All wine rooms come with detailed instructions for prep and installation • 8' x 10' wine room starting at $4,000.00 plus shipping • Wine closets starting at $1,500.00 plus shipping are cut and sized to your specific needs.Everything you need will be shipped to you ready to be installed. Your ultimate satisfaction is our number one priority so we will do everything we can to assist you as you create a one-of-a-kind Edmund Terrence installation in your home. Grab your measuring tape! We can get you one step closer to the designer wine cellar of your dreams at a cost that isn't a nightmare. Order your Edmund Terrence Wine Room today!

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