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Aya Ishihara

This home office/creative space has come a long ways since we moved into our 70's home over 3 years ago. Since it's located in our basement, we replaced the old orange carpeting with white Tundra flooring from Ikea to brighten up the space. We chose a soft, soothing gray for the accent wall, which added a nice back drop for the white floating shelves where we can display our favorite objects. We selected mostly white furniture except for the wooden bookshelf that we already had. We wanted the accessories in the room to act as splashes of color. We chose a large white work table in the center of the room, where art supplies are always available for our boys. The large painting is a piece I painted with leftover wall paint that was inspired from a fabric swatch. The foam boards below the shelves are the perfect spot to hang kids artwork or inspiration. This space has been a great place express our creativity and be inspired!

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