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Diseño de habitación de invitados urbana de tamaño medio sin chimenea con paredes multicolor, suelo de madera oscura y suelo gris

Airbnb Remodeling

As a large studio, we decided to combine the living and bedroom area - creating the feeling of a master suite! The sleek living space features a yellow upholstered loveseat and two modern orange chairs. These bright but warm hues subtly stand out against the dark grey backdrop, espresso-toned hardwood floors, and charcoal-colored coffee table. The bedroom area complements the dark hues of the living room but takes on a unique look of its own. With an exposed brick accent wall, gold and black decor, and crisp white bedding - the dark grey from the headboard creates congruency within the open space. Designed by Chi Renovation & Design who serve Chicago and it's surrounding suburbs, with an emphasis on the North Side and North Shore. You'll find their work from the Loop through Lincoln Park, Skokie, Wilmette, and all the way up to Lake Forest.

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Александр Горбачев se ha añadido esto a Идеи пользователя Александр 3 de julio de 2019


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